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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Taking Care Of Business

Britney Spears booked herself tonight due to those stupid misdemeanor hit and run charges. TMZ reports, "at approximately 9:25 PM Miss Britney Spears checked into the Van Nuys County Jail for a court ordered booking. She was put through standard booking procedures which included booking photographs, fingerprinting and collection of information. Britney was at all time cooperative in the process. She was there approximately 45 minutes." We're also told she was never put in a holding cell, and she was polite and courteous to the officers.

As amazingly ridiculous this whole situation is, I'm so very glad that Britney is handling the matter with grace, civility, and maturity. Might I add that she looks stunning at the same time? Her mugshot is going to look like an amateur photoshoot (and I mean that in a good way)!

Passing random court ordered drug tests, reuniting with your mom & sister, getting extra time each week with your children, handling your legal woes one by one--and looking fierce!? Man, you're doing so well right now Britney. We're all proud of you-- at least, I know I am.

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