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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Reaction to Britney's Gimmie More Video

Okay, I'll admit. Just like the rest of you fans, I was also a little more than disappointed when the Gimmie More video premiered. It was all basically one scene. But, after a day or so, I got used to it.

Let's look at the positive, shall we? One, she looks gorgeous in the video. Two, TRL only plays about less than a minute of every video and MTV alone rarely plays any whole music videos anymore. Three, the video is a bit different from everything else out there (I'm not necessarily saying it's a good or bad thing). Four, it was a major step up from the backlash she got at the VMAs. And last, but not least, the fifth reason is obvious-- The video got people talking.

Good or bad, it still sells.

People like Perez Hilton and other bloggers who were quick to pan the video are also the ones who are inviting people to actually watch it. So in the end, I think it works out quite well.

Onto other matters concerning this music video. Controversial? Are you kidding me? From the very second Britney Spears came out into the pop scene, everyone thought Baby One More Time was equally controversial--and every other video she put out. Our dear Britney? Controversial? Nooooo! I refuse to believe!

People need to get their heads out of their asses. Almost every channel on television today has a new swear word along with more nudity than we've ever seen since I don't know when. It certainly is different from the time when I was a child.

Peace guys. I'm out. I have Midterms.

Discuss, if you choose to.

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