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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rumor: Britney to Change Album Cover/ Revise Tracklist?

Warning: I advise that you take this as a Rumor.

"A friend of mine, who’s workin at SonyBmg told me that in 3 days Britney will do a Photoshoot, so the Cover of « BlackOut » that 90% of you fans hate will probably be changed!! Also he told me that there will maybe done some changes on the tracklist, so it is not the final one… "

Also, Thanks for letting us know, BE.

I pray and hope that this is actual truth. But in any case, we must not get our hopes up and assume that this is going to happen-- it is just, as of now, a rumored possibility. No worries if it doesn't happen-- I'm still buying the album regardless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank Goodness!.. We're hating on her cover not becoz we hate her, because we here to wish her the best!