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Monday, November 19, 2007

What A Horrible Mother.

Just look at her. All that time and effort spent with the kids. Playing with them and showing them how much she loves them. It's almost disgusting. Lock her up! Take the kids away from the only mother they'll ever have and destroy the the experience of a lifetime!

Folks. That's what K-fed, his lawyer, and probably the majority of the world's population is thinking-- Without any logic. Without any heart. No one seems to realize how much she is trying. Sure she--and excuse my language--fucks up a lot. But, don't we all? And just because the media portrays her mistakes as catastrophes, I don't completely tear her down based on what everyone says--because in the end, that's just what it is: What everyone says. To those who believe everything they read in the tabloid magazines: Before you judge a person, use your head and do some research from (not one) but many sources.

What a monster! (Insert more lines of sarcasm).

These are the pictures the media rarely puts out for the public to see. Thank you X17 for being one of the noble and honest websites.


1 comment:

Trina said...

check in my blog