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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just So You Know,

And you probably already do know, Britney's second single off of Blackout, "Piece Of Me" will begin shooting today at 8am. The location? It is reportedly at the Hollywood Athletic Club on Sunset Boulevard. The Director? Wayne Isham who directed Britney's "I'm Not A Girl.." video.

US reports that there will be as many as fifteen extras as well as a Britney body-double for some scenes. Ridiculous, I know. But--it isn't uncommon for singers to have body-doubles for music videos. The double could be used for just one dangerous scene (a stunt perhaps?)

I have no clue. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm just hoping there's more of a concept this time around. Not that I don't appreciate Britney stripping on a pole for 4 minutes straight, but-- you get my point.

- Kyle

Sources for this article: Access Hollywood/ US

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