Official Britney Sites: BritneySpears.comBritney.comBritney's Myspace

Friday, November 23, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for such an insanely great album by Britney. I hope you guys enjoy this little thing I put together. Use this video! Spread the word and let's show people how great this album is.

I don't know about you guys, but I don't like seeing things go to waste. People never getting a chance to actually read & see these reviews for themselves is exactly the same as wasting-- at least to me, it is.

Sales numbers don't matter to me. I just want people to see why I respect her, and more importantly, prove to others that she was and still is the real deal.

Now start posting this on your myspaces, blogs, etc. Don't forget who brought it to you!

PEACE! Enjoy your weekend!

- Kyle

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