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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

She's Trying.

If the world doesn't see her sincerity and earnestness during this trying time in her life, then the world is truly blind.

The following is from Breathe Heavy:

Britney is motivated. First she filmed her music video for "Piece of Me" until 6:30am this morning, and then headed over to a parenting class just a couple hours later! X17 is reporting that Britney headed to her court ordered parenting class at around 10:00am and was there until 1 in the afternoon.

Keep it up, Brit!

I'm so glad that she's trying. It's just sad that when she's finally doing the right thing, stories such as the fake pregnancy and shop lifting claims are still being made. It's not right. The people working for these trashy magazines are worst than any of Britney's meltdowns.

I'll never understand how someone could sleep at night knowing that they are part of a hand that is destroying someone else's life.

Hatred doesn't lead us anywhere. You hear that Perez, US, In Touch, OK!, etc? I'll never fully understand your guys' motives. Who's the crazy ones, really?


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