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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Suming Up The Past Week

Hey guys, As my few readers know, I've been out of town in Sin City, celebrating my 21st Birthday. Coming back and reading all the Britney headlines gave me a headache, but--at the same time, I expected it.

Here's a brief summary on what has happened in the past couple of days--basic news, rumors, troubles, etc. While I'm at it, let me see if I could diffuse some rumors & misconceptions about Britney's recent mishaps.

Okay. X17 has teamed up with Britney to raise money for charity by selling a signed copy of Blackout, on Ebay. The signed copy has already reached pass $7200.00, I believe and 100% of the proceeds will benefit UNICEF for children around the world (not that anyone would notice the good that Britney actually does).

Whatever TMZ has told you about Britney failing drug tests is absolutely false. In fact, ignore TMZ for Britney-related news completely.

Today, which is November 13th, a new Deluxe Edition of Blackout, hits shelves at Target. This disc features an extra bonus song, "Outta This World." Get it now!

Piece of Me is officially the new single off of Blackout. The video should be filmed soon and it will officially hit airwaves beginning November 26th. You die-hard Britney fans already know this.

A paparazzo was recently seriously injured after chasing Britney on a motorcycle. My prayers go out to him & his family. Hopefully, this guy and other paparazzos will learn what they're dealing with. And, FYI--Britney has nothing to do with this accident.

In defense for Britney's rather less than perfect driving skills & the ongoing rumors about Britney failing drug tests, The Police actually sides with the singer saying:

It’s questionable whether the paparazzi are aware of how far they’ve pushed these limits to date, on Britney, the understandably stressed mom of two.

In reference to last week’s emergency court hearing regarding the “technically” failed tests due to missed calls, Britney has “in fact, tested negative for drugs 10 times since October 5,” said Kiley. A negative result means no drugs or alcohol were present in her system, even though traces can linger for days or more.

Kevin Federline is selling pictures to Life & Style Magazine for money... I mean to show how much he loves his kids. Right.

Heidi Klum, who was very recently on Ellen DeGeneres's Show, revealed that Britney actually taught her a thing or two about changing diapers. Even this small amount of news is a fresh breath of air compared to all the negativity going on in the press.

And lastly, Britney's second week sales are doing well. Better than expected, actually. With 65.84% of the sales numbers in, Britney has sold 70,030 copies. More than TMZ and Perez Hilton predicted. As I say all the time, I absolutely LOVE when our girl proves these assholes wrong.

I don't think Britney has anything to worry about. This album is too great to fail. I think all the good reviews outweigh the sales numbers. All in all, Blackout is doing very well on it's own. Did I mention that Blender reviewed it and gave 3.5 stars? WOO!

Peace guys. I have class in about 30.

Sources for this Article Include: BritneyExperts, Break The Ice, Hits Daily Double, Us Weekly, and Hollywood Today. Many facts are also universally known on many different news sources.

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