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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

• S C U M •

Even at the lowest point in her life-- even when she's trying to get better-- even when she IS actually staying home, spending time with her parents, and not running around the streets of hollywood...

These assholes STILL have the audacity to put her name to shame. I HATE how these magazines and entertainment shows constantly and repeatedly contradict themselves. They post articles or have segments on their shows about how she's out of control and how needs help quick-- AND the very moment she begins her treatment-- the very moment she does seem to find common ground with her parents--

--People still kick dirt in her face.

It's a lose-lose situation for her. I don't care if she's Britney Spears at this moment. NO ONE should be treated this way. Especially when they're finally trying to get their life back on track.

It's disgusting.
It's dehumanizing--


I pray that there are still decent human beings out there in our world. I really do.

This woman's life is not a game..

- Kyle -

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