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Monday, February 11, 2008

• Can't A Girl Just Pee? •

The life of Britney Spears. I know, I know-- she's a celebrity and she should go an use another restroom where no one could see her. But, let me tell you something-- when you have to go, you have to go. She shouldn't be limited to certain places just because she's Britney Spears.

If I had to pee and there was a Starbucks near me, like a normal person, I'd run into that bathroom just the same way. And trust me, I've done it plenty of times. I'm not gonna risk a bladder infection. Neither should she!

No one should have to be forced to change how normal their lives are just because the world around them makes it a circus!

On that note, you go pee wherever you want, Britney!!

- Kyle -

Video Source: TMZ

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