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Saturday, January 5, 2008

What We Know So Far

The past couple of days have been quite uneasy for us Britney fans and I don't want to dwell on what has happened. Let's just focus on the present and whats going on right now.

Here's what we know so far:

1) TMZ is reporting that there is now more evidence showing that Britney's situation wasn't due to substance abuse-- but rather a bipolar disorder.
2) The hospital determined she was no longer a danger to herself or anyone else & was released from the hospital.
3) There were no drugs, alcohol, or any substances found in her system at all.
4) Dr Phil has made it very clear to the public that he wants to help Britney. He was reportedly at the hospital to meet with Britney and some family members before she left.

I hope she's doing alright and, as much as I don't really like Dr Phil, I hope she takes advantage of his offer to help her.

Keep your head up, Brit.

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