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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

• She's Receiving Help •

TMZ is reporting:

If you think Britney Spears doesn't give a crap about getting help for her condition, think again.

Multiple sources tell TMZ Britney has seen numerous doctors. We know that she's seen a new psychiatrist who has come to her home every day this week and that she's on medication to treat her bipolar disease. We also know doctors have indeed concluded she suffers from bipolarity.

Britney has seen doctors who have been referred by other doctors, plus doctors who have been referred by celebrities Britney knows, and doctors referred by her lawyers, family and friends. We're told the process has been excruciating for her, partly because her disease is severe.

Sources tell slightly different stories about the efficacy of the medication. A friend says when Britney takes her medicine she is like "a different person -- normal and sweet." But she takes her meds for a while and then feels as if she can live without it -- so she stops taking them -- and her condition quickly deteriorates. But a professional tells TMZ flatly, "The medication just isn't working."

That same professional tells TMZ, "She's really trying. Whether it works -- we'll have to see." That person also says it's extremely frustrating when the media shows video of Britney out on the town acting crazy, adding, "She has a disease. Sometimes when you see her she's in the middle of an episode. It's like mocking someone with Down syndrome."

Source: TMZ

Something tells me that, even with this article --which clearly explains everything and is coming from TMZ of all places-- people still won't listen or understand.

They'll still call her out of control, a drug-user, an alcoholic, a bad mother-- when in fact, none of those things apply to her. She's tested completely clean of any substances so many times. I applaud TMZ for posting this article. I absolutely hate them, but-- the best kind of support comes from the people you least expect it from.

I am so absolutely glad she's trying. Keep it up, Brit.

- Kyle

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