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Friday, January 4, 2008

Now, More Than Ever..

Britney really needs someone.

Let's get a few things straight on the situation first: 1) She is NOT on drugs. She has been tested in the hospital, and multiple sources have already confirmed that she is completely CLEAN. So, don't any of you get the story twisted on that part. 2) If anyone ever suspected that she had a mental problem, that's probably the most plausible answer after the events that took place at her house last night.

So, maybe she didn't want to give up her kids to Kevin. It's wasn't a smart thing to do in her current legal situation, but--you have to look at her side. Can you imagine how completely miserable she is being so lonely? She has absolutely no one except her two boys.

I know that people are tired of hearing fans defend the popstar--

--but in many respects, this matter at hand is NOT about the entertainment business anymore. This is a story about a mother fighting for her children. No matter what the cause. She's not concerned about the public thinking she's crazy. WHO GIVES A DAMN? I'm pretty sure my mother would go insane if I, or any of her other children weren't parts of her life anymore.

I really, truly hope that everything works out for her. I can't even imagine the pain she's going through and I don't want to even think about what that pain could possibly lead to.

Now, more than ever-- Britney has shown the BLIND world, yet again, that she still is a human. There's nothing simpler than that to explain what happened last night. We're all born on this earth. We live. We hurt. We love. We f*ck up. and then We die.

Keep your head up, Britney. I know you just need a friend.

- Kyle

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