Official Britney Sites: BritneySpears.comBritney.comBritney's Myspace

Friday, December 14, 2007


I'm not usually a visitor of Perez Hilton's website, (I used to, but decided to stop increasing his paycheck) Anyhow, when I heard he finally said something nice about Britney, I had to see it for myself because he hasn't done it for a loong a while.

If you completely depise the guy and refuse to go on his website, you can read what he said here:

'A Piece Of Britney'

You know what????

Britney’s new video doesn’t look all that bad! It actually, dare we say it, looks good.

Click here to check out a short preview of Piece of Me!
Finally - she does SOMETHING right.

And the song is tight too!

I am surprised. But--I still don't like him that much. It's just nice to see haters put their weapons down once in a while. So, it doesn't hurt to post something like this.

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